Sunday, June 11, 2006

Astonishingly Good Ice Cream

This is the best ice cream I have ever tasted in my entire life. I do not make such profound statements lightly. This particular sundae is called a brésilienne. It consists of two balls of mocha ice cream, one ball of vanilla ice cream, carmel topping, brasil nuts, and whipped cream (plus the little wafer thingy). It is so good. It is beyond good. I cannot properly express how good it is.

I have ordered this same sundae three times so far at a brasserie called the Terrasse here in Brussels. They use a brand of ice cream called Capoue, which is clearly the gourmet high quality stuff. Did I mention it was good? It's ice cream worth a blog entry. Really.

And Yet There is Hope

This image is kind of a follow-up to my earlier image entitled "Trapped." I allowed myself to have Fun with Photoshop yet again in that the window (and the distant scenery it reveals) were not part of the original picture. A big thank you goes to dashing Antonio for getting the rays of sunlight just right.

I suppose this is yet another attempt to capture poetry in a photo, to tell a story, to capture an emotion, to express something that cannot quite be put in words. I hope you like it, and, as always, I will really value your feedback and thoughts. You can see a larger version of the image here.

Eglise Saint Servais

Here's yet another upload for my Deviant Art gallery. It's a church called "Saint Servais" in the Schaerbeek community here in Brussels. I'm not terribly enchanted by this photograph, yet it has a certain appeal all the same. I do hope the city eventually gets around to cleaning the pollution filth from the cathedral's facade!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Just So You Know

Hello, loyal blog readers. I've been having some pretty serious computer issues as of late, which explains why my blog posting has been a bit sporadic and also why those of you who are used to seeing me on Yahoo or AIM have found me ominously absent. I'm here! Really! And things are looking very much better, computer-wise, in the form of my new laptop: a Fujitsu S2110 Lifebook. Click here for a 360° tour, if you're curious. So those of you who are used to chatting from time to time will hopefully see me again in the coming days, when I get things sorted out again.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Make a Wish and Nowhere Gate

Two more uploads to my Deviant Art gallery for you to see. The first is simply a macro shot of a dandelion in the fluffy phase which I call, appropriately "Make a Wish." The second, "Nowhere Gate," is of a gate in northern France. I'm told there used to be a castle of sorts in this location long ago, but no trace of it remains beyond this gate which is in rather remarkably good condition. I wish I could learn more about this location, what the building(s) looked like in their prime, what occured (most likely the war) that made it so that they no longer exist at all...