Sunday, November 11, 2007

Portrait of Figo (by Sonia)

Monday, August 20, 2007

My Handsome Little Boy

This little boy will be coming home with me in about four weeks when he is old enough to leave his mum and siblings. Right now, he is so tiny that he fell asleep in the palm of my hand with his chin resting on my thumb. He's impossibly cute.

4 weeks... to think of a good name. Any suggestions? :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I Have a New Necklace

A gift from my husband, for our second wedding anniversary. We found it today at the marchet medieval in Etterbeek.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Charlie, this one's for you. this red colour eye-bleedingly hideous, or not so bad at all? :)

Baby Crochet

Another finished project. It will be a gift for a friend whose daughter who'll be arriving into this world any day now. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Song Translation (For Those Who Care)

Le Mariage Insolite de Marie la Bretonne

Elle a retiré son tablier
Pour mettre une robe de mariée
Elle a caché ses mains dans des gants
Et ses pieds dans des souliers... blancs
Elle s'est regardée dans le miroir
Et s'est trouvée belle

Puis elle est descendue en chantant
En offrant ses sourires au printemps
Aux grands arbres, aux fleurs et aux oiseaux
S'est assise près de l'étang
Se voyant et s'admirant... dans l'eau

C'est lorsqu'elle voulut se relever
Qu'elle vit un jeune homme s'approcher
Il semblait sortir du fond de l'eau
Tout mouillé, elle l'a trouvé... beau
Et elle a compris à son regard
Qu'il la trouvait belle

Et son corps ne s'est pas défendu
Et l'amour en elle s'est répandu
Et la cloche a sonné au château
C'est alors que l'inconnu
S'est perdu, a disparu... dans l'eau

Elle est remontée dans le grenier
A rangé dans la malle d'osier
La robe, les souliers et les gants
A remis son tablier... blanc
Pour préparer le repas du soir
Faire la vaisselle

The Unusual Marriage of Marie the Breton

She removed her apron
To put on a bridal gown
She hid her hands in gloves
And her feet in white shoes
She looked into the mirror
And she found herself to be beautiful

Then she went downstairs while singing
Offering her smiles to the springtime
To the tall trees, to the flowers and the birds
She sat down near a pond
To admire her reflection in the water

It was when she had decided to stand up
That she saw a young man approaching
He seemed to come from the bottom of the water
All wet, she found him to be beautiful
She understood from his gaze
That he thought her to be beautiful

Her body had no defense
And love grew within her
The bell rang at the castle
It's then that the stranger
Was lost, he disappeared in the water

She climbed back into the attic
To return into the wicker trunk
The dress, the shoes, and the gloves
To put on her white apron
To prepare the evening meal
To do the dishes.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Transient Angel

I'm pleased to announce the opening of my personal online photography gallery. If you have a moment, please have a look around:

Don't forget to leave a message in the Guestbook so I know you've stopped by. :) Thank you!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Deviant Art Renewed

The Magic Ticket by ~Shulamit on deviantART

Now isn't that a nifty and excessive bit of flash code? But, I guess it makes things easier for me in some way. :) Please check out my Deviant Art gallery to see my latest uploads. There are several of them.

Oh! And I got a new camera! But I will rave about that later, when I am actually awake.

Cheers. :)